Scientific Events

The EUNMUTE academic workshop will aim at taking stock of the research carried out through in the framework of the Centre of Excellence.

Organized during the last semester of the project, it will consist of a two-day international scientific conference organised at the UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles and broadcast online. It will be an opportunity for the entire research team to present the results of the research they conducted within the framework of the EUNMUTE project. In addition to the 10 EUNMUTE team members, other speakers will be selected from among those who previously participated in the research seminar.

The conference will start with an introduction, during which the presentation of the main findings of the team-based collective research will be presented. This introduction will be followed by five thematic panels (one per disruptive challenge). A concluding presentation will wrap up the workshop and identify future research directions. One edited volume will be published after the workshop.