Denis Duez
Project leader, Senior researcher & teacher
Denis Duez is full professor of political science. He was director (2010-2016) and then president (2016-2022) of the IES at USL-B. He has been teaching for more than 20 years, at the undergraduate and graduate levels, International Relations, European integration, Europeanization processes, political regimes and research methodology. He currently teaches more than 120 hours per year in the field of European integration studies. His research focuses on European internal security policies and the management of the EU’s external borders. He is responsible for the overall coordination and supervision of the EUNMUTE project.
Antoine Bailleux
Senior researcher & teacher
Antoine Bailleux has been a professor of EU law and legal theory at USL-B since 2008 and the director of the IES since 2018. He has become the president of the IES in September 2022. His main field of expertise is EU Constitutional Law (fundamental rights, competences, decision-making and enforcement, internal market and pesticides law). As member of the Brussels bar, he works in close cooperation with environmental associations that he represents before the European Court of Justice. He currently co-leads a research project on Europe’s Judicial Narratives in cooperation with the University of Lille.
Florence Delmotte
Senior researcher & teacher
Florence Delmotte is a research associate (permanent senior researcher) at the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) and professor of political science at USL-B. She teaches Political doctrines (political theory) and Historical sociology of European integration (sociology of the EU). She teaches Political Doctrines (Political Theory) and Historical Sociology of European Integration (Sociology of the EU). Florence Delmotte is a specialist in the work of the German-Jewish sociologist Norbert Elias (1897-1990) and his theory of the ‘civilising process’. She is a member of the international Elias network and is on the editorial and scientific boards of several journals and of the Norbert Elias series at Palgrave. She is particularly interested in the role of affects, feelings of belonging, identification and legitimation processes at national and European levels.
Nicolas de Sadeleer
Senior researcher & teacher
Nicolas de Sadeleer is full Professor in law in Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles. He is a specialist of EU law (institutions, internal market, litigation), environmental law (international, EU, domestic) and comparative law. He has been the recipient of five international chairs: Jean Monnet ad personam (twice), Marie Curie, Glaverbel, and UC International Distinguished Professor. His research has been published with leading scholarly publishing houses (OUP, CUP, Earthscan, Edgar Elgar, etc.) and journals (CMLR, EJRR, etc.) around the globe. In his academic position, he advises public authorities as well as law firms on EU legal matters.
Amandine Orsini
Senior researcher & teacher
Amandine Orsini (née Bled) is Professor of Political Science since October 2012 at the Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles (USL-B). In 2009, she received a PhD in Political Science, specialisation Comparative Politics/International Relations from Sciences Po Bordeaux. During her PhD, she was visiting fellow at Keele University (10 months in 2005-2006, Marie-Curie fellowship) and at Warwick University (4 months in 2007, Garnet fellowship). After her PhD she obtained two post-doc contracts including a research mandate at the FNRS (Belgium research institution) she spent at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). In 2011, she developed part of her research at the Graduate Institute of Geneva (one month, COST action IS0802 fellowship), and in 2019 a scientific mission of one year at the European University Institute, Florence (12 months, FNRS funding). In January 2020 and January 2021 she has been Visiting Professor at Sciences Po Grenoble and in Octobre 2021 Visiting Professor at Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (LUISS). She has been guest Professor at ULB from 2010 until 2022.
She is promotor of the YOUTH EARTH (2021-2024) research project and Jean Monnet Chair EUGLOBALGREEN (2022-2025) and since 2016 she coordinates the POLLEN programme, labeled as Jean Monnet Module (2016-2019). She is member of the EUNMUTE project, Jean Monnet excellence center at the Institute for European Studies of USL-B and member to the Jean Monnet Module ‘European Leadership for Global Change? Internal and External Dimensions of Europe’s Climate, Energy and Environmental Policy’ (2019-2022), and regularly co-organises the WIRE workshops (Workshops in International Relations), a series of international workshops she created in 2010. She is member to the international network Earth System Governance.
Clément Fontan
Senior researcher & teacher
Clément Fontan is professor of European Economic Policy at UCLouvain and Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles. He is co-director of the journal Politique européenne. His fields of specialisation are: political economy, European studies, financial ethics, central banking and financial crises. He is scientific coordinator of the permanent research group . Regulation, markets, capitalisms of the French Political Sciences Association.
Sophie Jacquot
Senior researcher & teacher
Sophie Jacquot is Professor of political science at USL-B. She has been teaching at bachelor, master, and PhD levels for more than 15 years on EU policies and politics, EU institutional dynamics, comparative social policies, policy analysis or gender studies (USL-B, Sciences Po, University Paris Nord, Sciences Po Lille, etc.). From a background in sociology of policy analysis, she specializes in EU and gender studies. Her research interests focus on the transformation of EU gender and anti-discrimination policies, on the Europeanisation of social and gender policies, on the evolution of European social dialogue and on the influence of Eurobarometer surveys in the design of EU policymaking.
Sophie holds the EUGENDERING Jean Monnet Chair on the challenges linked to the establishment of a Union of gender equality, non-discrimination and diversity.
She is also co-leader of an interdisciplinary project on Europe’s judiciary narratives (USL-B and University of Lille). Sophie is the director of the IES.
Cecilia Rizcallah
Junior researcher & teacher
Cecilia Rizcallah has been appointed Professor of EU law and Human Rights at the Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles in April 2022. She is currently on leave until September 2023 to conduct a research project at the Institute for European Law of the KU Leuven focusing on the protection of fundamental rights by the European Union, in the framework of the ERC RESHUFFLE. In addition, She is teaching at the Université libre de Bruxelles a course on the protection of the rule of law and mutual trust in the European Union.
Cecilia has been a post-doctoral researcher at the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S. – FNRS) and a re:constitution fellow, working on the protection of the rule of law and judicial independence in Europe.
She holds PhD both from the Université libre de Bruxelles and the Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles (“Le principe de confiance mutuelle en droit de l’Union européenne à l’épreuve d’une crise des valeurs”), completed under a mandate funded by the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S. – FNRS). Her PhD has been awared the Jean Carbonnier Prize by the Institut d’études et de recherches sur le Droit et la Justice (French Ministry of Justice), the Alice Seghers Prize by the Université libre de Bruxelles and Pierre-Henri Teitgen Prize by the Association française des études européennes. It is published in French with the publishing house Bruylant, and it has also been translated into English.
Beforehand, Cecilia obtained an LL.M in European Law from the College of Europe (Very Good, Baillet-Latour scholar), a Master of laws from the Université libre de Bruxelles (Major de promotion, Ganshof Van Der Meersh Prize) and a Bachelor of laws from the Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles.
Thérèse Davio
Executive Officer
Thérèse Davio holds a Law degree from UCLouvain. At IES USL-B, she assists in all aspects of management. She supports the preparation of EU Projects’ Design and takes an active part in the implementation of projects. She is in contact with different audiences: students, institutions, stakeholders, academics, civil society. She has extensive experience in administrative work in academic institutions. As Project Officer she provides essential support to projects, working with team members to achieve projects success. She is in charge of the research dissemination and budgetary issues.
Frédéric Tirot
Executive Officer
Rocco Bellanova
Member of the external network
Rocco Bellanova is Assistant Professor in Critical Data Studies at the University of Amsterdam and Research Associate at the IEE (USL-B) . His work sits at the intersection of politics, law, and science and technology studies. He studies how digital data become pivotal elements in the governing of societies. His research focuses on European security practices and the role of data protection therein.
© Photographer: Dirk Gillissen